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Blog Post number 4

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Blog Post number 3

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Blog Post number 2

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Blog Post number 1

This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.


Business tax, capital and labor

with Andreas Lichter, Emilie Sartre and Sebastian Siegloch

Draft Post

Monocle ipsum dolor sit amet handsome pariatur aliqua, hub remarkable irure commodo classic deserunt bespoke. Sunt commodo signature, Swiss minim flat white Tsutaya excepteur artisanal et Nordic laborum joy ANA. Beams mollit exquisite Ginza efficient dolore qui Comme des Garçons Winkreative Lufthansa bulletin global. Iconic sed liveable duis. Mollit dolore eu laboris Comme des Garçons hub pintxos sed eiusmod tote bag Shinkansen nisi consectetur pariatur. Nordic international quis finest Baggu dolore, bureaux hub hand-crafted ut joy sint Airbus A380.



Should I Stay Or Should I Go? The Migration Patterns of High-Skilled Workers: Evidence From Alumni Databases

with Youssef Benzarti

Business Taxes, Capital and Labor

with Andreas Lichter, Emilie Sartre and Sebastian Siegloch

Unpacking the small effects of subsidized employment: the role of gender and parenthood

with Valentina Melentyeva and Eloïse Menestrier

Subsidized employment has been widely used to tackle unemployment. Nevertheless, our understanding of the gender-specific effects of these policies is limited. In this study, we assess the impact of a subsidized employment program in France. We apply a dynamic difference-in-differences approach. Older non-participating cohorts serve as a control group. On average, we find that the effect on the employment probability is close to zero and only marginally significant. This hides significant disparities across genders. For men, the effects are significant and positive on all outcomes. In contrast, for women, the program fails to enhance the likelihood of employment. We identify two reasons for such discrepancies. First, women are more likely to have children during the program, rendering the program almost detrimental to them. Additionally, we observe gender-based sorting into different job types at the start of subsidized employment. Men typically secure cognitive tasks in public administration or industry. Women tend to occupy routine non-cognitive roles in health and social services. Our results have important policy implications for both future policy evaluations and policy designs.

